Category: Highlights

Sin Tour Review

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 I was able to see two of my favorite bands at the 9:30 Club.  Just weeks after seeing Hit the Lights in November it was announced that Hit the Lights and Sparks the Rescue would be going on tour with Like Moths to Flames, and headliner Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows …

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New Music Review: Lights – Siberia

Lights – Siberia Lights Music/Last Gang Records Released October 4th, 2011 With the release of Siberia, Lights Valerie Poxleitner known simply by her professional name, Lights, has a second album under her belt. The Canadian musician known for her blend of sugary synthpop and electronica with soft melodic undertones offers this time around a sound …

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Dr. Àngel Cabrera Named as the 6th President of George Mason University

At a special Board of Visitors meeting this morning at the Mason Inn Conference Center and Hotel, Dr. Àngel Cabrera was unanimously voted to succeed President Merten as the 6th President of George Mason University. In an exclusive roundtable interview with The Office of Student Media, when asked by WGMU General Manager Alex Romano about …

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New Music Review: Bjork – Biophilia

Bjork – Biophilia Nonesuch Records Released October 10, 2011 No matter how you look at it, Biophilia is simply a bizarre album, or rather “multi-media project,” if you want to acknowledge it as such. While by Bjork standards a bizarre approach is expected and even welcomed, for a project with such strong conviction to a …

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Andre Cornelius Addresses Mason Nation on TMB

Mason Basketball Point guard Andre Cornelius discusses the start of the new season on The Morning Breakdown with John Powell, Cody Norman and Dan Zimmet before the first game tonight. Cornelius is slated to play his first game in December after a 10 game suspension. Listen here for more:             …

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It’s College Radio Day!!

  Today is national College Radio Day! Listen to and support WGMU today and everyday! College radio is one of the last free forms of speech left in this country.   “It’s time to start tuning in and fight against the corporate take over of radio!”   College radio is a place to support the …

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New School Year Means New Opportunities at WGMU!!

Well it’s a new semester and with that we have some great job openings. If you want to get involved on campus, work in a great environment with student leaders in new offices, a new on-air studio and work with other student organizations/university offices then join the WGMU team! Want an official title with one of …

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Summer Programming!! Are you interested in WGMU?

Hey everyone now you can check out our summer schedule here: We are currently experiencing some technical issues and will not be streaming when there is not a live DJ in the studio. Make sure to stay updated on our WGMU on Campus Page to see pictures from WGMU events like Mason Day!: …

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At the conclusion of this semester we have three Executive Staff level paid positions opening. If you are interested in applying, please see below and follow the steps closely. If you do not follow the instructions properly, your application will be automatically disqualified. You will be notified within 7 days of us receiving your application …

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Spring Jam Fest 2011 with WGMU Radio :)

Aisha Hussain the Local Music Director of WGMU Radio wants to invite you to Spring Jam Fest 2011! She will be on stage promoting the station, join her with other Mason Patriots!!!!! Take a break from finals on May 14th When, where, and what is Spring Jam Fest 2011? SpringJam Fest is an …

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