The Greater The Risk, The Greater The Reward in LDRs

Michael Cohen

WGMU Blogger

LDRsRelationships are interesting, to say the least.  However, being in a long-distance relationship is even more interesting.  I admit that it sucks being in a different state than the person I love.  However, being involved with somebody you truly love, rather than settling for somebody who lives close to you can be suitable to make the miles only a number.

Some key things to help a LDR include: Communication, Technology is Good and Bad, Patience, Being Alone is OK, Creativity and Living in the Moment.

Communication is key, because it is all you have in LDR’s.  Tone is especially hard to convey when communicating via text, email or instant messaging.  Therefore, the best way to convey tone is by video chatting so that way you can see the other person’s reactions to the things you say.

Technology is good and bad.  Both parties may think you have fantastic Internet connection until it crashes while video chatting or on a Skype date.  Along those same lines, when your partner types those three effing dots you should conclude that you most likely did something wrong/stupid.

Patience is also key.  Most of the times in LDR’s you may feel like you are constantly waiting to talk to your partner.  Therefore, LDR’s can be like medical appointments.

Living in the moment is also key.  Of course, the big payoff in an LDR is finally getting to see your partner in person.  Week’s turns into months, which turn into years of not seeing your partner however, it will all lead to the special and perfect time of an in-person joyful embrace.  Therefore, make the most out of every second, minute, and opportunity you can with your partner whether it when you are apart or together.

For WGMU Radio, this is DJ Mikey Mike signing off.

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