WGMU strongly encourages our Patriots to sign up for Mason Alerts. Here’s more information about the system provided by David Farris, PhD, the Executive Director of Safety & Emergency Management:

Dear Patriots,

Safety is a top priority at George Mason University. The Environmental Health and Safety Office (EHS) and the Department of Police and Public Safety encourage you to become familiar with the university’s recommended procedures on how to prepare for and respond to emergencies that may occur on campus.

Mason Alert: All students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to register one or more cell phone numbers with Mason Alert, the university’s emergency notification system. Mason Alert text messages provide timely notification of events affecting your safety. You can also elect to receive tornado and severe weather alerts for one or more counties in which Mason has a campus, site or center. 

Be Prepared: Information on how to prepare for and respond to emergencies that might occur on campus is available at This site also has resources to help faculty and staff prepare for emergencies that interrupt classes or impact research activities.

Active Threat Prevention and Response: Please take 15 minutes to review the university’s Active Threats Awareness and Prevention Video designed to help you identify and report concerning behaviors. This video also reviews actions that should be taken if a person with a weapon is reported on campus.

Rave Guardian Public Safety App: Mason offers a free public safety app to all students, faculty and staff. Rave Guardian is integrated with Mason Alert and offers a number of important features, including a virtual safety escort function, the ability to submit tips anonymously to University Police, and a panic call button that relays your location to University Police.  The Rave Guardian app is free through the iTunes store and the Google Play store

If you have any questions or concerns about Mason’s readiness for potential emergencies on campus, please contact EHS at or 703-993-8448.



As a Mason student, it’s imperative to be informed, especially about school closures and emergency preparation events. Click on the links above to sign up for the mentioned platforms.

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