Welcome to the Archive! What I would call the Golden Age of Posters
Spring 2023
Mondays (Spring 2023)
Listen, starting your Mondays can be hard, luckily we had some DJs that could fix that!
Tuesdays! (Spring 2023)
Welcome to WGMU’s 2023 Taco Tuesday. We didn’t have tacos, but we had great shows! Take a look!
Wednesdays! (Spring 2023)
You’ve made it to the middle of that week! Welcome to the WGMU Archived Wednesday! Let’s see what we got!
Thursdays! (Spring 2023)
Welcome to Thursdays! I had nothing to say about Thursdays, but our DJs did!
Fridays! (Spring 2023)
Welcome to the best day of the archived week! And what’s a better way to end the week than listening to WGMU?
Sundays! (Spring 2023)
We had a show on a Sunday? Yes, we did!