WGMU’s deejays interviewed 2018’s Mason Day performers prior to their shows on April 27.
By: Jesse Benitez, Christian Hernandez, Jonathan Ibarra, Kate Klajbor, Saige MacLeod, Jackie Reed, and Fielder Wise
WGMU’s deejays interviewed 2018’s Mason Day performers prior to their shows on April 27.
Mason Some Noise: masonsomenoise.com/
Rare Fruit: @rarefruitmusic
WusGoodTJ: www.youtube.com/channel/UCbhMuvxc-rvQ3b1SatMqVVA
Chud Music: @chudmusic
A.S.K. (King Khalafalla): @kingkhalafalla
Ray Maj: @callmemaj
ÁVON DESÍAR: @avondesiar
Apprehension Engine: apprehensionengine11105.bandcamp.com/
StormmxTony: stormmxtony.bandcamp.com/releases
Timberbrooke: timberbrooke.bandcamp.com/
More information can be found at si.gmu.edu/masonday/. Feature Photo By (Student Involvement/Official Website).